5 Ways to Do Autumn Heating Maintenance After Summer's End Skip to main content

It’s easy to forget about your furnace as long as it’s working. Now that summer is over, it’s time to get your furnace ready for its big season.

With the cost of heating projected to rise this year, it’s important to make sure your furnace is running as efficiently as possible, so you don’t have to pay even more.

Wondering what you need to do to get your furnace ready? Keep reading to learn what heating maintenance you should do this fall.

1. Replace the Filter

This is probably one of the easiest and most important maintenance things you can do for your heating unit. You should change your HVAC filters whenever they are dirty, or at least twice a year. Check out your furnace’s manufacturer’s recommendations on how often to change.

When the filter is dirty, your system works harder, so it doesn’t run as efficiently. This also adds more wear and tear to your furnace.

2. Dust Your Furnace

Dust and dirt can also affect your furnace’s performance. It’s important to clean your unit. Be careful if you try to clean inside the system that you don’t damage.

Use a soft brush to loosen any dust. Then you can vacuum around your unit.

3. Check Your Thermostat

It’s important to check the batteries in your thermostat. Your thermostat controls your system, so if something is working there, your furnace won’t work properly. Try turning up the controls and listen for the furnace.

If you hear your furnace click on, it is working. However, if it turns off in less than three minutes, you could have a problem known as short cycling. This means your thermostat may not be working properly or the heat exchanger in your furnace is shutting down.

If your furnace doesn’t come on, change your batteries and try again. It could be that simple. If that doesn’t work, it’s best to call a professional.

4. Clear the Vents

Now it’s time to check your vents. Make sure there are no obstructions like furniture or draperies.

If you have cleaned your ducts in the past three years, you may need to get a professional duct cleaning to remove any debris.

5. Schedule a Heating Maintenance Appointment

As autumn heating comes around, it’s best to schedule an annual maintenance appointment with a professional. Even though there are some things you can do yourself for maintenance, you may need a professional.

This regular tune-up can catch a small problem before it becomes an even bigger problem. Consistent maintenance can also extend the life of your unit, saving you more money in the long-run.

Get Your System Checked This Autumn

Now is a great time to call a professional for heating maintenance before you have issues. Go ahead change your filters, clean around your unit, check your thermostat, and clear the area around your vents.

At Luxury Air, we are happy to help you maintain your system or help you replace your system if needed. We offer maintenance programs and special financing should you need a new system. Contact our experts today to keep your home comfortable this winter.

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